Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coming Attractions

To all my followers, I apologize. I was all happy with myself for finally getting something up and being able to call myself a blogger/writer, that I rested and did some other things for the past few weeks.

In any event, today's post will be a quickie. These are working titles of some of the ideas I'll be working on in the future. If there are any that you are very interested in, let me know, and they might move closer to the top of the list.

With no further ado:

Tiger Owes the World a 'Bud Adams' - Do you remember November 15th?
Obama's Negro Dialect - Who should be more upset about this foot-in-mouth episode?
Reality Television Needs to Quit - Unless they're coming out with more Joe Millionaire/Schmo
Master P, The Octo-mom and other pop phenomena that were popular for too long
Teams that don't try - Why do some owners vie for championships while others just fill seats?
Tupac Amaru rebels, Caster Semenya & other stories the news forgot
What If Health Care and Public Education can't be fixed?
How Can Fans Change Sports?
How Can Citizens Change Politics?
Title IX Strikes - Ode to Brittney Griner & Elizabeth Lambert
How To Be Black, Rich, and not-Stupid
"All Black People Leave" - How much can/will be done?
Donna Simpson wants to weigh 1,000lbs
Is the NCAA operating an illegal monopoly?
The Lottery is Good - But you won't catch me playing.
Sports Without Announcers - What is the next step in broadcast innovation?
Hey Rosie, Oprah Doesn't Need a Replacement
An American Consumer Conscience? - Chris Brown's sagging sales
What Makes a Con/Lib? - The cost/benefit conundrum

Did you hear the one about...?

Did you hear the one about the guy who broke (back) into jail? A man in Florida broke back into jail a week after being released on probation, due to fear of reprisal by the family of his (manslaughter) victim.
No, really...

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